Friday, October 26, 2007

You're Wearing That?: Understanding Mothers & Daughters in Conversation

I ordered and read this book over a year ago. But the lessons it taught me still linger, so I thought it would be a good first book to recommend here in my blog. It's a great book that made me understand my Mom better, her actions, and how we relate to each other (which seems to get harder to do, as we grow older). I caught myself nodding my head frequently as I read the book, as it would give sample situations between mothers and daughters. They were all so eerily familiar. I loved the book so much, I recommended it to my Mom to read. And she loved it as well. I'd like to think our relationship has become stronger thanks to this book. I've become more patient with my Mom, and I hope she understands me much better now too. I guess it also gave me a sneak peak on what motherhood would be like for me in the future. By the way, it's also a good read for the men in our lives, i.e. our Dads and brothers. Gives them a clue on what's going on between us and our Moms. I got this at, $10.17, but it's probably available at local bookstores by now. Check it out.

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