Friday, March 28, 2008

Hostess Twinkies

Hostess Twinkies (and Ding Dongs, for that matter) remind me of the days when I was a kid reading my Archie digests. They used to have little ads in them for these products. I used to dream I could go the States and finally taste them.

When I finally did, many years later, I loved them! I can't believe they still make them today.

On a recent trip to the US, I found some at Walgreens and bought a couple to have as a midnight snack. My sister super loves these, and as much as I wanted to bring some home for her, they would have gotten crushed in my luggage.

So I recently browsed thru the net and found a site that sells them in boxes. They seem to be filled with preservatives, so I figured they would last the 2 week shipping trip. And they did! (Well we've eaten them all up already, and we're still alive. So I guess they were OK :-)

Available at for $5.15 a box (contains 10 Twinkies inside). Enjoy!

Omron HJ-112 Digital Premium Pedometer

It must be because of the usual additional pounds I gained over the Xmas holidays. Or the fact that I haven't been able to exercise since Xmas since I've been travelling, swamped with work, and was down with the flu and sinusitis for 3 wks. So I finally decided I'd invest in a pedometer so I could be more conscious of the amt of walking I did per day. Hey if I can't get find time to do badminton or hit the gym, walking flights of steps in my ofc should be good enough right? So nerdy me started doing my online research on what would be a good brand and model to buy. i finally settled on the Omron HJ-112. What I liked most about it was that it had a new feature which increased its sensitivity and allowed you to place it on your bag, and it would still be able to count your steps. No need to look geeky and clip it onto my waistband. Ever since I bought it, I've become more conscious to walk more (take the stairs instead of the lift etc). Even my boyfriend changed his parking ways - he now tries to park at the furthest available space, because the additional walk means more exercise! It's available at for $23.99. Happy walking!